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Part 4: Publish on the Android store

Your game will be more successful if you publish it on the Android or Apple store. A recommendation is to start with Android as it is easy and cheaper than the iOS version.

Bundle for Android

  1. Install the Android SDK.

  2. Modify the name of your app, open the capacitor.config.json file and change the "appId":"dev.marigold.shifumi" and "appName": "Tezos Shifumi" properties.

  3. Hack: to build on Android, change vite.config.ts to remove the global field from the configuration.

    export default defineConfig({
    define: {
    "process.env": process.env,
    //global: {},
  4. In the ionic.config.json file, change the Ionic config from React to a custom type build.

    "name": "shifumi",
    "integrations": {
    "capacitor": {}
    "type": "custom"
  5. Stay in the app folder and prepare the Android release. These lines copy all files to android folder and the images resources used by the store.

    ionic capacitor add android
    ionic capacitor copy android
    npm install -g cordova-res
    cordova-res android --skip-config --copy
    ionic capacitor sync android
    ionic capacitor update android

    Open Android Studio and do a Build or Make Project action.

    Note 1: in case of broken Gradle: ionic capacitor sync android and click sync on Android studio > build.

    Note 2: If you have WSL2 and difficulties to run an emulator on it, install Android studio on Windows and build, test, and package all on Windows. Push your files to your git repo, and check the .gitignore file for the android folder to verify that there are no filters on assets.

    1. Comment the end lines in the file ionic.config.json:

      # Cordova plugins for Capacitor

      # Copied web assets

      # Generated Config files
    2. Comment out the node_modules and dist in the .gitignore file at your root project because it requires files from @capacitor and you need to install these libraries:

    3. Force it to be included on committed files: git add -f android/app/src/main/assets/ ; git add -f android/capacitor-cordova-android-plugins/ ; git add -f node_modules ; and push to git.

    4. Try the Build or Make Project action on Android Studio again.


    Start the emulator of your choice (or a physical device) and click Run app.


    Some mobile wallets do not work with emulators, so consider using a web wallet like Kukai.


    When you are connected, you can start a new game.


  6. Invite Alice to play, click the address of the opponent player, and enter this code on your Android Studio terminal:

    adb shell input text "tz1VSUr8wwNhLAzempoch5d6hLRiTh8Cjcjb"


  7. Click Create on the top right button.

  8. Confirm the transaction in Kukai and come back to the app.

    Perfect, the round is starting!

  9. Now you can run the web version on VScode, connect with alice, and play with your 2 players.

    Watch the video here to see how to play a full party.


  10. Publish your app to the Google Play store.

    To publish your app to the Android store, read the Google documentation. You need a developer account:

    It costs 25$ for life (for information: an Apple developer account costs 99$/ year).

  11. In Android studio, go to Build > Generate Signed bundle / APK.


    Follow the Google instructions to set your keystore and click Next. Watch where the binary is stored and upload it to the Google Play console app.

    After passing a (long) configuration of your application on Google Play Store and passing all Google validations, your app is published and everyone can download it on Earth.


Having a Web3 game has many advantages like the transparency and inheritance of in-game currency. Developing the dApp is not so different from a Web2 application. Also the process of bundling to Android and iOS is similar and uses the common tools from Google and Apple.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and don't hesitate to leave feedback to the Marigold team!
